Well, it sure has been a long time.
Even now, typing, it feels strange. Like this part of me doesn't exist anymore. But at the same time, it makes me a little excited. It makes me feel like a small portion of who I once was is still in there somewhere and that makes me a little happy. =)
I miss writing. I miss capturing each and every part of our day and somehow showing God's glory in it. This season of our life has been full of ups and downs both big and small. It's been full of joy and pain; happiness and sorrow. It's been full of God's giving and taking away. It's like my "Beth" moment in life. What once was is no more, in many different ways.
For those of you who don't know, we have moved. Our sweet home which once was, is no more. We were within days of closing on our new home in another town when big rains came and the basement took on water. In a matter of minutes, all the doors God had seemed to open, came slamming shut. Leaving us questioning, what now?
We have been very blessed to stay with friends while we decide what to do. Each day is really nothing short of unbelievable. The simple fact that 10 people, who were nearly strangers, can live life together in one home; laughing, crying, and encouraging each other, is nothing short of a blessing beyond words.
In all things, God is good. Although sometimes hard to see His goodness, He is always.
Our little Emmyn is growing so quickly. If I think of it too much, I get all sad. Oh, I am so very thankful for all she is, but will miss kissing her sweet baby cheeks once she is grown.
We are all doing well and enjoying the long summer days. Playing outside, chasing fireflies, playing in the river, making great memories.
Soon we will settle. We just signed on a house yesterday and will be moving soon, staying in the Ozark area. We looked, looked, and looked, (then looked again) for a house that seemed like "us". Well, there weren't any. But we are very blessed to have found one and we know God knows much better than us what we need.
We have decided to rent for one year, praying for what to do next. Excited about a year of just living life and having a lot of fun, learning and growing together. All the while praying and listening for direction. We're just taking life as it comes and trying to do what's best when it comes at us with it's curve balls. Hard, isn't it? You know what though? Hard is good, it helps us grow.
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