I don't write to much about our children individually. Usually, I write about them as a whole. Oh, there have been special birthday posts, a birth announcement post, and the occasional "quote" post. But not usually ones like this.
Some of you, who know us well, might know why our little Alli is so very special to us.
Our story of Alli reminds me of a story:
When Simon the Pharisee invited Jesus to a dinner party at his house. Jesus came, but from the moment he stepped in the door, it was obvious how “welcome” he really was. The usual gestures of warm middle-eastern hospitality were overlooked. He was given no water to wash his dusty feet; he wasn’t greeted with a kiss; his head wasn’t anointed with oil.
A woman from the city—a prostitute, most likely—was the one who welcomed Jesus most freely. As he reclined at the table, she stood behind him at his feet, weeping. As her tears ran down his feet, she undid her hair and wiped the dust away; kissed his feet, and then anointed them with ointment.
Simon was disgusted. “Surely, if Jesus were a prophet,” he thought, “he would know what sort of woman this is!”
So Jesus told Simon a story.
Two people owed a debt—one owed 500 denarii (about two years’ wages) and one owed 50. Neither could pay their debt, and amazingly, the moneylender cancelled their debts!
“Now who will love him more?” Jesus asked Simon.
“I suppose the one for whom he canceled the larger debt,” was his reply.
Jesus then contrasted Simon’s love—or lack thereof—with this woman’s love. Then, he turned to the woman and said to her, “Your sins are forgiven. Your faith has saved you; go in peace.”
Luke 7:36-50
Do you find yourself like the woman in the story? Someone so overcome with Grace, knowing He loves you, that your joy is contagious? Your attitude is contagious?
Or, do you find yourself to be more like Simon?
What does the face of someone who has been forgiven much look like?
Sometimes my face reflects something totally opposite than that of someone who has received such an invaluable gift.
That woman was me.
I had the debt.
I was completely broken.
But, He found me in my brokenness and made me whole. He forgive all that I was and made me new.
And the best part of it all, He gave me a constant reminder of how beautiful His grace is, our Alli.
Those who have been forgiven much, love much. And there is no way we can love God without loving others. Such a beautiful irony.
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