I woke this morning to my sweet hubby making pancakes for breakfast. It was so quiet in the house; I was just certain the kids were still in bed. But nope, they were in the school room (school room!! how wonderful is that?) making dresses for their dolls out of some scrap fabric. Man, I'll wake up to that rather than hurrying children off to school any day :-)
After breakfast and morning chores we headed out for some errands. During our errand runs we stopped by my friend Cindy's house to return some things she let us borrow. I was able to have a nice little conversation with her and set a dinner date for our families, that was so nice.
After Cindy's house we went to the hardware store in search of canning jars. We were in luck! I have had a hard time finding those little guys. All the places I have tried have been out of them. We must all have the same idea, yummy, fresh, homemade foods for winter =) (and I guess we are all having that idea a little late)
We then continued to do a few other little errands that would totally bore you; so I will not bother you with the details of our adventures of the grocery store, post office, church, etc.
During our errands it came a big storm, hail included. So home we went for a warm fire and homemade chili for lunch, ate by the fire of course :-)
After lunch Judah took his nap, Alli and Daniel made a mail box for the girls room while Jordan and I made and canned applesauce.
And of course, I have pictures for you...
It was very yummy if I do say so myself; naturally sweet and "cinnamonly" delicious.
The kids seemed to enjoy it as well.
During my canning I was also cooking two large crock pots full of homemade chili, plain hamburger meat and taco meat to freeze for yummy winter meals. It was a busy day in the Gibson kitchen. But the fruits of our labor will be wonderful on the nights dinner is all ready for us in the deep freeze.
While I was cooking Daniel was busy doing lots of honey doos =) One major thing was fixing the fan in the upstairs floor/downstairs ceiling. Now the heat from the AWESOME fireplace downstairs will be pulled up stairs. Right now it is 77 in our home and we have no gas furnace running. How blessed are we to be able to save all that money this winter season. God is so wonderful, he always helps us be such good stewards. Starting Monday Daniel and I are going on a rotation of waking up during the night to throw a few more logs on the fire.
For dinner I made some yummy steak nachos. Easy, healthy, and yummy.
Much later we had a house full of youth kids and a parent who stopped by after some trick or treat fun. It's nice having the house full of people again, especially when they leave candy for you. They are so stinkin' generous. :-)
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