Why eat inside at the table when you can grab a sheet, head outside, and make memories?
The kids got the sheet ready for us... crafty little boogers huh? It was real windy that day.
Then we played and waited for Dad to come driving down the street home from work. Typically Wednesdays are one of those days where we kiss him goodbye in the morning and don't see him until late that night but this Wednesday was special because we had to take the kids and go get stuff for the activity that night.
This is Judah learning how to listen without being chased down...
I said: Judah, come here.
Judah stopped...
and Judah thought. Honestly! He just starred across the street frozen, choosing to obey or not.
Judah come here, I said once more...
OK! Yippee! "To obey, or not to obey, that is the question" (for this little 15 mo old anyway) Which I was real glad that he chose to obey because I was able to get this totally cutie pie picture when he got done running to me!
Cutie Pie Jordi...
Alli & I...
Then they scattered to play.
Alli reading ...
Judah thought we should go for a swim :-) ....
Sadly, I didn't take any pictures of the actual picnic eating time :-( I guess you already know what a sub sandwich looks like though right? Well, that is what we ate.
Then more cute pictures.
Judah tried to steal the ball from the neighbors fence...
His sweet sister Jordan went and got his own ball...
He was very happy.
Then they went for a scooter ride.
It was a fun lunch!
love the obedience pics...isnt that how it should be with christ? to look into Gods eyes after looking into the worlds adn just smilin, knowing full well its always, way better, with Jesus. love ya jude